
Thursday 22 March 2012

Choice of fragrance 'influenced by our body odour'

According to Richard Gray, “scientists have uncovered why it is so difficult to buy perfume for others – because we are drawn to fragrances that complement and enhance our own body odours”.

“Researchers found that when people choose their own perfume and it is mixed with their own body odour, the resulting smell is rated as being more pleasant and attractive by others than when a perfume is imposed upon individuals.”

Dr Jan Havlicek, an anthropologist at Charles University in Prague said: "Perfumes have been used by people for thousands of years and the prevailing view has been that this was to mask our natural body odour to make us smell more attractive. In fact, what we have found is there is a strong individual interaction between perfume and body odour. People choose fragrances to complement their own odour. It is probably why buying perfume as a gift is so difficult and why they end up lying in the bathroom not being used."

Professor Tim Jacob, an expert on smell at Cardiff University, mentioned: "Our own personal body odour is determined by our immune system. Indeed we tend to be attracted to the smell of people who have different immune systems to ourselves and we don't like the smell of those who have a similar immune system. This makes sense from a biological point of view as it has obvious advantages for our children who would inherit genes that give a combination of both immune systems. There is statistical correlation that shows there is a link between our immunotype and our fragrance preference. It seems that you chose the perfume that reflects your immune system."

Via Telegraph.co.uk


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